Rebuilding Britain Part I: Nottingham shows how Chancellor’s green growth could work

Rebuilding Britain Part I:

In the first of three articles, we explore some of the key initiatives which will shape the future of the regional and national economy

Whole house retrofit in Nottingham

When the Chancellor announced the ‘green recovery’ from COVID and the £3bn package of measures in his economic statement, what dropped under the media radar was a smaller figure which could be far more significant: a £50m pilot to find a deliverable approach to decarbonise social housing.

Here in Nottingham we have already seen this put to good effect through Nottingham City Homes, who have managed to revitalise a small community of social houses in Sneinton, creating attractive properties while reducing energy consumption by up to 50%.

The solution? It is not just insulation or cavity wall piecemeal measures. This is top-to-bottom change. It is ‘whole house’ retrofit.

The prize? A new national industry, both creating jobs and achieving net carbon zero emissions by 2050 in one fell swoop.

The scheme is built on a model tried and tested in the Netherlands called Energiesprong (Flemish for energy leap) which the Green Alliance says could cut UK gas consumption by 41%

In London & South East this is even more critical as utilities are stretched and power consumption high. In response the Mayor of London began rolling the model out in several boroughs in London earlier this year.

As we fight our way out of the predicted COVID recession, what bigger prize is there than to create a new industry, hit carbon targets and help those most in need through warmer homes? Who wouldn’t want that?

More detail can be found in a detailed Turner & Townsend submission to the UK2070 Commission – the independent commission led by Lord Kerslake to promote the levelling up of the UK economy.