Crisis & Reputation Management

Crisis & Reputation Management

Crisis communications - be on the front foot

Every organisation will experience a crisis or emergency situation at some point, from bad publicity to employee misconduct or even natural disasters. How that organisation deals with it has a huge impact on its reputation.

Social media can very quickly escalate a crisis, but can also help respond to and resolve one. The key is being on the front foot - being prepared.

A crisis communication management plan is essential for all members of a communications / PR team and its wider organisation to understand individual roles, responsibilities and processes, and how to respond in the best possible way to minimise reputational damage.

We are crisis management experts

Our team of experienced, civil service trained, emergency planning and crisis management experts can help you develop your plan and actively support your response in the event of a crisis, 24/7.

We have on the ground experience of dealing with crises in-house, through previous roles in large NHS trusts and for a number of Government departments.

Our team also includes experienced media trainers who can make sure that your management/board/media spokespeople have the skills to respond to the media, staff and the public in the best possible way.

Whether you’re in a crisis right now and seek expert help and support, or you’re planning ahead, we can help:

  • Crisis and media response
  • Additional capacity to maintain business as usual
  • Media training
  • Risk assessment, scenario planning and crises exercises
Emergency Pull button
Media training with Baker Baird Communications

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