Leading the profession – the LG Comms Academy sets the benchmark

Local government communicators from as far north as Shetland to the depths of Cornwall and all points in-between descended on Yorkshire this week for their first national conference since before COVID. In Steel City, Sheffield, they found a conference, learning and networking event as sharp as a Cutler’s Company knife. BakerBaird were one of the…

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BakerBaird leads national PR research

BakerBaird has led national research into the public relations profession which demands action to diversify its workforce. The public relations industry employs nearly 100,000 people adding £16.7bn to the UK economy, but the research found it is facing a skills and recruitment shortage at the same time as being seen as out of reach by…

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Survey shows huge drop of ‘in-office’ PR professionals

A snap survey of PR professionals workplace habits pre and post COVID showed a 50% drop in those permanently in the office. The survey, conducted by BakerBaird Communications, ahead of a Chartered Institute of Public Relations Midlands event, showed that Pre-COVID, 66.7% of respondents said they worked full time in an office – post-COVID this…

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A decade on: strong Govt comms is needed more than ever

A decade ago, today, the 31st March 2012 I walked away from the best team I ever worked with after 12 amazing years. Along with 900 others I was made redundant and a six-decade legacy in Government comms was thrown into the coalition’s bonfire of the quangos. The Central Office of Information attracted the best…

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Should we do a podcast? 

Over the past week it’s been our pleasure to support a client launch its first podcast. According to Statista – 15.6million of us, just in the UK, tuned into podcasts this year so whatever we think, we know there’s an audience. The podcast we helped launch is the SanyuSisters  – which was formed by two…

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Something happened to comms during the Covid-crisis

I remember during the financial crisis, when I still worked in a daily newsroom, that PR was still doing what you expected it to. Only less of it. It was keeping busy, telling you stories about how to stay visible, get through the crisis, and be on your toes and ready to pick up the…

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Welcome Gaby: our brilliant new hire

Nottingham based public relations agency, BakerBaird Communications, has added to its roster of  staff by bringing in an experienced NHS director of communications. Gaby Taylor (nee Insley) has 16 years’ public and third sector communications expertise, with a specialism in health. She has worked on national campaigns for the Department of Health, regional NHS projects…

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Supporting new talent in Public Relations

We were delighted this week to welcome our first ever work experience student. As a public relations company we’re committed to supporting new talent into the profession.. here it is in Scarlett’s own words… As a sixth form student in my first year studying English Literature, History, Maths and Photography, I am always encouraged to…

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PR’s vital role in tackling child sexual exploitation

As a chief executive of a charity, I hear the narratives of survivors of child sexual exploitation (cse) on a daily basis. I talk to professionals caring for and dealing with the fall out of this horrific crime as well. It’s a difficult subject for the media to cover but Public Relations professionals can have…

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BakerBaird Communications celebrates year 3

It seems like only five minutes ago that we launched BakerBaird Communications. Yet here we are starting Year 4. Three years have flown by in a haze of travel, events, media activity, engagement exercises, heavyweight report writing, training sessions, battered keyboards and hammered smartphones. Year 3 has been special for a number of reasons. We’ve…

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