International opera star plays church hall to raise funds for girl’s life changing op

Here at BakerBaird we like to give something back to support our city, county and those who live here. Last year we helped promote Nottingham in Parliament Day and recently we backed Lakeside Arts.

Here is our latest.

Deborah NormanAn international opera star who has performed at La Scala, Milan, The Albert Hall, London and prestigious venues across Europe is to stage a charity performance at a Chilwell church to help pay for a life-changing operation for a local youngster.

Soprano Deborah Norman will be joined by two of her own pupils at the concert on 30 July at Chilwell Christ Church to help raise £15,000 to help Cauldwell Children and support Maltilda Angus, of Sawley, who was born with cerebral palsy.

The brave seven year old was starved of oxygen at birth and now needs support to reach her full potential. Her main setbacks are her physical limitations and the constant pain and discomfort that her condition causes.

Matilda has been reccommended for an operation which will help her sit, make transitions between postures, and her communication and motor skills will also improve.  The operation has a 100% success rate and Doctors expect it will reach her full potential.

Deborah made her professional debut as Maria in West Side Story at La Scala, Milan, and the Ljubljana Festival. In 2001 she made her debut at Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, and performed extensively alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and for the Welsh National Opera.

Talented Nottingham musicians Anna McAuley and Oliver Wheddon will perform classical pieces and songs from musical theatre, as one of their final performances in the area before they move on to take their next step in music at the University of Leeds and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance.

Deborah, of Auden Avenue, Chilwell, said: "It's such as privilege to be able to perform for Matlida, we have all been touched at how amazing she is and we are determined to do all we can to make her life better through charity events such as this. She is a joy to be with and I hope we will pack the place out with every penny going to help the charity"

The concert will be held at 2.30pm, Sunday 30th July at Christchurch, College Road, Chilwell. Tickets are £4 for adults and £1 for children. Call 07981 159849 or email [email protected]