Chris joins BakerBaird

Experienced communicator Chris Child is the latest addition to the BakerBaird family, delivering superb work for our clients already.

Chris Child of BakerBaird CommunicationsChris has been a communicator for over 40 years, more than half as a journalist and latterly in public relations for the Government and the charity sector.

An award-winning journalist, he was health correspondent and a news editor on a major regional newspaper, managing teams of journalists, before going on to work as a Government communications director.

In this role he led teams across England delivering the Department for Transport's regional Think! Road safety campaigns as well as supporting communications for the motorway network via the Highways Agency.

Chris also helped deliver strategies for the Government in the North East and Scotland for over 10 years including managing Prime Minister and VIP visits.

He also worked in the No.10 Downing Street strategic communications unit and led on regional crisis communications during the fuel and foot and mouth crises.  He supported the Prime Minister's Office during George W. Bush's UK visit.

Latterly Chris has headed up communications at national charity Heart Research UK, helping to elevate its profile, revitalising its website and social media and engaging ambassadors and stakeholders.